Posts by Steve
Carb me up!
It has been a long hard road but we are finally here. The Galibier and Alpe d’Huez await….I can’t wait to get to the start line and just get on with it! I can’t think about much else to be honest. The lack of Gooner transfer activity and consequent goading from the usual sources is hardly registered. All spare time is spent hoovering up news on the Tour, working out how many carbs I need to eat between now and Monday morning and fretting about how hot its going to be.
The training has been building up to this week and we are ready to go. I think I have done around 3000 miles since the start of the year, so the legs should be strong. We’ve had a great group of lads to train with and I have enjoyed nearly every minute of it. It’s hard to believe that in five days it will be done. Time for a few Sunday lie-ins I think!
As I get closer to the event my mind fills with thoughts of Finn. It’s not easy to put into words what I’m feeling – I just hope I can make you proud mate. God bless. Your ever-loving Stevie. x
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