All behind me now

Just started and Peter is excited in the back
What a day. The weather was glorious, if too hot for some people. Jo and the kids and a few other friends and mums travelled round the course to cheer us along. It brought a smile to my face every time I passed them. At first I followed the pace of my friend Ben but after 30 minutes of going slightly faster then I was comfortable with I let him go and put on the headphones. I continued to jog along to Mark Kermode’s film reviews. I finished in 2h07m and I ran all the way. I wasn’t uncomfortable at any point and never had to stop or walk. I even ran up a steep hill towards the end, which many contestants had to walk. Only on the last 500 meter did I raise the tempo and overtook a fair few runners. I passed the line with a broad smile on my face. I wasn’t completely exhausted and felt I could have given more. Maybe I should have raised the tempo earlier on and got a better time but I was I worried about running out of steam early on and wanted to enjoy it instead of torturing myself.

Beautiful scenery half way there

High 5 as I cross the line
It’s now the morning after and I feel fine. A bit sore but no injuries, which is a real result. I was worried about my right foot. Maybe I do have a full marathon in me. Watch this space…

Me and Ben afterwards
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. Do keep it coming. I’ll announce how much you’ve helped me raise in a while.
1 Comment
Well done Peter. Seriously impressive. Maybe you can get Jo to run with you next time!